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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024/ 25

This statement is made by Rodo Ltd. It is a statement made in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and covers the financial year from April 2023.


Rodo is committed to ensuring that our business has no involvement in modern slavery or human trafficking. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

We know that slavery, human trafficking, servitude and forced labour (Modern Slavery) is a global and increasing challenge for business and Rodo will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in modern slavery or human trafficking.

Our Business & Structure

Rodo Ltd is a family owned business specialising in the provision of Decorative Accessories and Personal Protection Equipment. The business was started in 1926 and has gone through substantial growth and change during its 90-year history. Today the company employs 150+ employees and in financial year 2023/2024 had a turnover of £45m.

Rodo are the leading supplier of decorating sundry products in the UK, supplying branded and own label products to all the major players in the UK trade, both under its own brands – including Blackrock, ProDec, Fit For The Job, Job Done – and in own label. The company also has a significant presence amongst independent DIY merchants, supplying branded products and own label.

Excellent relationships with suppliers across the globe, together with a can-do approach to business, continue to enable the company to offer its customers a large and diverse product range to help grow their businesses. Product development remains at the heart of Rodo’s business ethos and research into new products, together with improvements to existing products, is an ongoing process. As a result, the company continues to enjoy healthy year on year growth.

Rodo’s is also a leading supplier of PPE under the Blackrock brand, including safety footwear, gloves, performance workwear, hi-vis and other ancillary products.

We recognise the potential risk of modern slavery within our supply chain and ensure great care in taken when selecting the companies who supply us.  At present our supply chain mainly consist of suppliers from China.

Our Policies On Slavery And Human Trafficking

As a business we recognise our responsibility to be aware of the risks of Modern Slavery within our own organisation and supply chain. We have, therefore, taken the following steps:

  • In 2016, we introduced a new Social Compliance Policy. This policy outlines our zero tolerance approach to Modern Slavery of any kind within our operations and supply chain. Our policy sets out the standards we expect of everyone working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold our policy commitments and provides guidelines for employees, partners and agency workers to report any suspicions or concerns relating to compliance with the policy;
  • We have a clear whistleblowing policy and if there are any concerns relating to Modern Slavery these concerns can be raised in confidence without fear as part of our whistleblowing procedure. Our whistleblowing policy has been modified to take account of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. All reports of Modern Slavery will be fully investigated and appropriate remedial actions taken.

Risk Assessment Processes

Our due diligence activities to combat slavery and trafficking, described below, are risk based and will in future correspond with the level of risk identified.  These activities are in line with the internationally acknowledge ETI base code.  As such, we have undertaken or begun the following risk assessment processes during the period to inform our due diligence approach:

  • We have undertaken a supply chain risk assessment.  We assess risk using key information such as the supplier type and geographical location and we have also reviewed independent and regulatory employment risk assessment resources. The results have produced supplier risk ratings enabling us to prioritise future due diligence within our supply chain.
  • In addition, our tier 1 contractors, selected on the basis of contract size and revenue, are all established businesses who are required to comply with the Modern Slavery Act reporting obligations in their own right.

Due Diligence Processes

In order to seek to prevent slavery and trafficking in our business and supply chains we carry out due diligence which includes:

  • The publication and adoption of a Supplier Code of Conduct on Slavery and Trafficking. This has been published on our intranet and as indicated above has been communicated to main contractors who have been asked to confirm that they will make a commitment to comply with the standards set out in the Code.
  • We will be reviewing any potential higher risk relationships based on our risk assessment process outcome and determining the extent to which it is appropriate to take any further precautionary measures to minimise the risk of slavery and trafficking where we have a direct relationship with those organisations.
  • Our Sourcing and Purchase Manager visiting and carrying out audits/ inspections with each of our suppliers in China. Should any issues be identified then the appropriate processes will be followed.
  • Wherever possible we seek to procure goods and services from an existing supplier already known to us, which allows us to better understand our suppliers’ operations and policies and to build strategic, long-term relationships with those suppliers.

Training To Raise Awareness Of Modern Slavery And Human Trafficking

We are in the process of training our key staff on Modern Slavery and on the requirements of our Anti-Slavery and Trafficking Policy and the Supplier Code of Conduct. We have also trained them in relation to anti-slavery and trafficking due diligence in the procurement process.

Measuring Effectiveness – Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In order to monitor the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to seek to prevent slavery and trafficking taking place in our business and supply chains we intend to:-

  • Review the effectiveness of our Anti-Slavery and Trafficking Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct;
  • Ensure that all key staff are trained in relation to the Modern Slavery Act and slavery and trafficking risks on an ongoing basis.
  • Monitor and consider any reports or investigations carried out in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • The number of audits carried out on suppliers and any actions taken

We intend to assess these KPIs each year and amend where we feel appropriate in order to provide us with the most effective means of measurements.

Approval Of This Statement

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors June 2024 and signed on its behalf by:


Laura Brierley-Smith

Managing Director